Paper Art in Music Video and Woven Paper Handbag

You might think this Sara Lov music video for her song, A Thousand Bees, is off my usual mark. Trust me, there's paper art involved, although not in the usual sense. I find it retro, quirky, even a bit haunting, and I hope you'll be as mesmerized by its creativity as I am. The director, Noah Webb, used over 4000 still photographs for the animation.

Speaking of quirky, here's another something that might not look like paper at first glance, but it is.woven paper purse The daughter of an Australian friend recently purchased this handwoven purse in a Sydney 'reverse garbage' shop. (Don't you like that term? It was new to me.) And have you already figured out the material? That's right... juice boxes! They're known as poppers in Oz, by the way. Poppers have a plastic coating, thus the shine, and heaven knows they're durable since even the most clever pint-sized child can't break into one any too easily. A tag on the handbag said "Bags made from recycled materials by community cooperatives worldwide." A website was given also, but you'll thank me for not sharing it because when I tried to open the page, a warning shot up about it being an attack site and to enter at my own risk. Yikes... the things I do for you, my dear readers. :-)
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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  1. That bag is so cool. Reverse Garbage IS a very nice new reuse term. Was the bag very expensive in their shop?

  2. Thanks for commenting, Lola. The bag cost 20 Australian dollars which converts to about $16 U.S.


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