Stylish Papercraft Home Decor by Patricia Zapata
Not only does graphic designer Patricia Zapata have one of the most musical and memorable names I've ever run across - it must be all those a's! - she is a wonderful paper artist. I love the fresh, uncluttered look of her designs and have had a link to her stylish blog on my sidebar since day one. Perhaps you've already checked it out, but if not, there's no better day than today.
As a celebration of Earth Day and in honor of this astonishing, but ailing planet we call home, Patricia has posted an ingeniously simple recycling project that looks quite elegant. It requires just a short list of supplies you might have on hand.

And be sure to check out this link [edit: no longer available] to see a tutorial on crafting chic wall decor from those nuisance junk mail circulars that arrive in our mailboxes like clockwork.

Patricia has written a book I'm really looking forward to checking out, called home, paper, scissors - Decorative Paper Accessories for the Home.
As a celebration of Earth Day and in honor of this astonishing, but ailing planet we call home, Patricia has posted an ingeniously simple recycling project that looks quite elegant. It requires just a short list of supplies you might have on hand.

And be sure to check out this link [edit: no longer available] to see a tutorial on crafting chic wall decor from those nuisance junk mail circulars that arrive in our mailboxes like clockwork.

Patricia has written a book I'm really looking forward to checking out, called home, paper, scissors - Decorative Paper Accessories for the Home.