Quilling Design Inspiration - Cookies
Oh boo... no one took me up on my quilling challenge of creating a king or queen using the new U.S. love stamps as inspiration. But that's okay, I promise we'll do another blog candy contest at some point in the future.

I heard from some lovely readers who wanted to give it a go, but just didn't have the time right now - perfectly understandable with spring and fall activities at this busy time of year.
And to prove I don't harbor any ill will, have a cookie, won't you? :-)
Isn't it pretty? Delicious too, no doubt! Take a peek at the delightful Better Bit of Butter site [edit: no longer available] where there are scads of beautiful cookie designs. I'm pretty positive your artistic mojo will be inspired in no time.
I heard from some lovely readers who wanted to give it a go, but just didn't have the time right now - perfectly understandable with spring and fall activities at this busy time of year.
And to prove I don't harbor any ill will, have a cookie, won't you? :-)