German Quilling on Display
Recently I heard from a quilling pal, Karren Doll Tolliver, who lives in Germany for part of the year. She and a friend came upon this department store window in Munich and sent me images... how cool to see rolled paper on such a grand scale!

I can only imagine the work that went into the design and construction, and wish I could give credit to the creator, but unfortunately we're not even sure which store it was... possibly Kaufhof.

Karren said, "The trees looked like they were made out of posterboard strips about six inches wide. What a display!"
And speaking of displays...

I'd like to welcome new sponsor, ljlh designs [site no longer available]. You might remember the interview I did with owner/paper artist Libby Hampel... her classy and colorful jewelry designs never fail to impress.

I can only imagine the work that went into the design and construction, and wish I could give credit to the creator, but unfortunately we're not even sure which store it was... possibly Kaufhof.

Karren said, "The trees looked like they were made out of posterboard strips about six inches wide. What a display!"
And speaking of displays...

I'd like to welcome new sponsor, ljlh designs [site no longer available]. You might remember the interview I did with owner/paper artist Libby Hampel... her classy and colorful jewelry designs never fail to impress.