Paper Cutting and Illustration - Marina Talamaska

Let me exclaim for a moment about Instagram. I've used just about all forms of social media over the years, but as soon I joined IG a few months ago, it quickly became apparent that it is one of the very best ways to network and get your art out into the world. Case in point, the diverse and admirable work of Marina Talamaska of Moscow, Russia caught my eye in a flash. Judging by how fast her following is growing, it is catching the attention of many others as well.

Can't you just feel the power of these waves?

Summer Love by Marina Adamova

Marina frequently shares images of her art on Instagram as @talamaskanka where she often includes a brief caption in both English and Russian. A prolific artist, Marina draws and paints fantasy characters, is a graphic designer, and does set design, window dressing, paper sculpture for print ads, and the list goes on.

Ink Sketch by Marina Adamova

The Wind by Marina Adamova

I wrote to ask Marina if she would have time to answer a few questions about her art journey. Lucky for us, she graciously agreed.

Website Redesign Image by Marina Adamova
 Marina created this fresh paint sculpture to announce the recent redesign of her website.

You are quite a versatile artist! I'm curious as to whether you have a favorite type of art to do... perhaps you most enjoy illustrating, paper sculpture, or paper cutting? 

I'm a self-taught paper artist and I like difficulties. :) I feel constant self development is a necessity, so most of all I enjoy developing new ways of visual expression in my works.

Mad Tea Party Paper Sculpture by Marina Adamova

Combining illustrative and paper cutting approaches are areas of high interest. The first papercuts I created of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland are still my favourites.

Christmas Tree - Paper Illustration by Marina Adamova

As a graphic designer, I like to experiment with lettering compositions, and a paper portrait series is my personal challenge.

Pierre Richard Papercut Portrait
 Pierre Richard

Did you start out as a graphic designer after graduation and then begin doing paper sculpture/paper cutting or have they long been interests of yours?

I still had a lot to learn after I graduated from British Higher School of Design. It took me three years of continuous search and hard work before I understood that paper was my way. In 2013 I started as a paper artist.

Universe Paper Cutting and Illustration by Marina Adamova
 Universe (detail)
70cm x 50cm; 27.5 x 19.5 inches
geometric flat papercut with watercolor background and reflective silver stars

Am I correct that you work solely as a freelance artist? Have you been able to make employment contacts worldwide thanks to Instagram and Behance?

Yes, I'm freelancer now and it's my conscious choice. I feel I still have a long way to go. Actually I started to promote myself as a paper artist on Instagram and Behance not long ago and I achieved 500 followers on Instagram last week, so... as they say, there's the time to throw stones and the time to gather them. I'm on the first stage, I guess. :)

9th Billow by Marina Adamova
 9th Billow

But thanks to these internet sources, I learn a lot every day, meet other artists, make contacts, inspire and get inspired myself - it's incredible experience for me!

Cut Paper Christmas Ornament by Marina Adamova

You often post a new photo each day on Instagram so I have the sense that you are constantly creating. Are you always thinking about your current and next project?

I try my best to organize myself for daily work, no matter if it's paid or just for myself. The more I work the more ideas I have and unfortunately I don't have enough time to work all of them out. Time is that precious to me. I'm here and now every day and I like being proactive! 

Paper Sculpture by Marina Adamova

See more of Marina's work via her website and Instagram.

Marina Talamaska

By the way, you don't need to sign up for Instagram in order to see photos, so do click over to take a look.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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