Creative Paper Cutting - Book Giveaway!

***This giveaway has ended - scroll down to see who won!***

I bet you've heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Well, in this case, by all means judge away...

Lovely, isn't it?!

Creative Paper Cutting is the newest title in the Make Good Books series of craft titles released by Trumpeter, an imprint of Shambhala Publications. The cover image is the perfect enticement of what you'll find inside... very simple Japanese craft style paper folding and cutting projects that use few supplies. Novices are guided through basic paper cutting techniques with the help of tips, diagrams, and templates.

Included are ideas for using paper cuts as embellishments on cards, wrapping paper, mobiles, collages, and even lamp shades. Young crafters will be drawn to the birds, rabbits, hula dancers, and ballerinas. One of my favorite projects is paper figures (above) that have been cut from colored shopping bags by artist, Keiko Tsuji. So lively!

Many of the projects are scissor-friendly. Craft knife projects are included for adults and older kids. I was inspired to try my hand at cutting a few samples designs and found that lightweight paper (origami) is perfect for these designs, as they start out with a series of simple folds. With spring ever so slowly making its way to my neck of the woods this year, it's no wonder I was drawn to a flower, the pair of fluttering birds, and a windowsill with pots of leggy seedlings stretching for the sun.

One thing I might mention is that I would have preferred a spiral binding on this book (as well as all other craft titles!), simply because it's much easier to refer to a pattern book when it opens flat. I realize publishers rarely use spiral bindings so that the title will be clearly visible on a bookstore shelf, but with more and more books being purchased online, perhaps it's time to offer the more user-friendly option.

Trumpeter sent me a copy of Creative Paper Cutting for review purposes and is offering two All Things Paper readers anywhere in the world, the chance to win a copy. Just leave a comment to enter. If you would like additional entries, mention the giveaway via your blog, Facebook page, and/or Twitter, and tell me you've done so in your comment. The giveaway ends at the end of this Friday, April 15th, and winners will be selected by a random number generator and announced the next day on this post. Good luck!

Disclosure: The book title is an affiliate link.

And the winners are:
Congratulations to Eva of The Netherlands and The Bees Knees! Shambhala's publicist will see that you each get a copy of the book. selected the two winners after I methodically and meticulously (because that's how I roll :)) spent ages tallying all of the names and extra entries.
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.


  1. the one with the shopping bag is really special!

  2. Love the cover! Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Love the cover...itsss soo gorgeous ! I wanna win ! :)

  4. I read paper blogs with interest but have not tried anything myself. Perhaps a book will encourage me

  5. love working with paper, but I live in the Philippines were there is such a limited supply of any type of paper. If I want anything patterned, I usually have to use gift wrap t that is too thin for most things.

  6. That book looks so fun! I hope I win!

  7. Oh my gosh, the deer on the cover are amazing! And I love the seedlings. Looks just like my kitchen countertop right now! :)

  8. such a nive book !
    thank you for the opportunity to win a copy !

  9. this is definitely an awsome opportunity... wud love to win this one..

  10. Lovely, wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity

  11. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome book Ann.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'd love one of those!
    I posted here about your giveaway:
    Have a nice day!

    Light and peace,

    ps: srry about my other deleted comment. I realised that I wrote another link. That's the right one!

  14. I would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  15. What a interesting book! I'd love to win it... thanks for the opportunity!

  16. That book looks like it could unleash a whole new realm of paper crafting in my house. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. Win or not, I am on the hunt for this book.

  17. I definitely would love to be put in the drawing for this book, I've been wanting to attempt paper cutting and it looks like this would be quite helpful, love the paper patterns they've used.

  18. I love paper cutting, and I want to win this book.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. What a neat book! i would love to win!

  20. Neat Book and thanks for the chance of winning one!

  21. Love the Deer,thanks for a chance to win the book!

  22. just looking at the pictures of the book, loved it!
    thank you for the chance to participate!

  23. Thanks for the chance to win, Ann! That book looks like it holds hours and hours of fun and discovery in it!

  24. Thank you, Ann, for introducing us to Creative Paper Cutting. It would be a delight to win a copy.

  25. Exciting! Hope to win!
    pranita319 (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. I saw your tweet yesterday about this giveaway and here I am, the 27th commenter. Boo. I snoozed! This book is amazing.

  27. I so agree with you about the spiral binding, Ann. Looks like a wonderful book.

  28. What an awesome book! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  29. This is one giveaway I would LOVE to win! Pick me, pick me!

  30. Oooh I would love to win such an inspiring book. I will keep my fingers crossed that it wings it's way over to me in the UK :)

  31. If I win this, Ann, I will need an excuse to stay home and work from it. Perhaps a broken leg will be okay?

  32. the book looks beautiful!

    thank you!


  33. This would certainly begin to fill the void of paper related crafting/art books in my personal library. I would love to win one of the copies!


  34. Tweeted, too!


  35. I have to say, I agree with you 100% on the spiral bound option. It is so much easier to keep a spiral bound book open if you're trying to follow instructions, a pattern, etc.

  36. Shared this on twitter, as well!

  37. And my first comment didn't make it. The gist of it was: looks like an awesome book, and I'd love to add it to my collection! :)

  38. Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous book!!

  39. I agree a spiral bound for a reference book is the best idea. Such a lovely giveaway Ann; thanks for sharing your great review.

  40. Thanks s much for the giveaway, looks like a really awesome book! Would love to add it to my cardmaking supplies. =D.
    How do you know when we post to our Facebook or twitter!?

  41. That was very thoughtful to give you the extra books to give away. Please enter me in for a chance to win one.
    Thank you.

  42. I love the look of this book! I cant remember where I saw a revie of it, but it all sounds great! x

  43. Good point, Leslie, thanks. I was thinking people would know to tell me in their comment, but have amended the post to say that.

  44. Looks very interesting. I like the idea of overlaying one cutting over another.

  45. I too love the paper bag cut out best. Looks like an awesome book!

  46. This book is awesome, the cover alone has me excited. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.

  47. What a great book! Thanks for the review!

  48. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a great book! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  49. This book looks fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win.

  50. These would be great to embellish with quilling :)

  51. This book looks fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. The cover looks awesome - would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportuntiy to win!

  53. that book is so lovely !. thank for the chance to win!

  54. Commenting! Looks like a great book. Anything from Shambhala is always good.

  55. One can never have enough papercutting books! Thanks for the chance to win.

  56. so great.Thank you for the opportunity...

  57. I really am amazed and what spetacular things can be done with paper and with every post you post you intrigue me. This book looks very creative and i would like the chance to participate and maybe have a chance to win this book. Alas i don't have a blog only a facebook.
    thank you for presenting this creative book

  58. as an admitted paper addict, I must say that those paper cuts just shout spring! can't wait to try them out! would love to win the book! ;)

  59. I would love to win a copy of this book. I have seen so many cool art pieces using this technique. I especially love Su Blackwell's work. Who knows I could be the next Su Blackwell if I win this book :))) Thanks for the chance to win. P.S. I could NEVER be the next or even a close Su Blackwell, her work is so amazing! I wish she'd have a show in the states, preferably in Chicago since I'm only 60 miles away. Thanks again. I really enjoy your blog. Deb

  60. I have loved all things paper since I was about 10 years old... won't tell you how many years that is. (LOL)I would love to win this book as it looks wonderfully interesting!

  61. I just spent the weekend cleaning, unpacking, and organizing my basement art space. I have huge stacks of paper that I need to do something with. Please, it would be wonderful to win a book to give me more ideas to play with.

  62. What a wonderful book. Just reading about it makes us want one.

    I love the title:
    Creative Paper Cutting: Basic Techniques and Fresh Designs for Stencils, Mobiles, Cards, and More (Make Good: Crafts + Life)

    Wish me luck.

    I enjoy your quality blog and look forward to it.

    'Keep a green Tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come.'
    -Chinese Proverb

  63. Ann,

    What a wonderful book, I would love to have this in my paper craft library.

    Thank you,
    Teddie Seeley

  64. I love working with paper. This looks like a great book.

  65. I just love Paper Cutting! Thanks for the chance to win such a great book!

  66. This would be such a lovely book to have and make projects with kids to decorate rooms....Thanks for giving a chance to win.

  67. Me encantaria tener ese libro. Adoro todo lo que se puede hacer con papel ;)
    Saludos desde México

  68. Ann, it looks like there will be stiff competition to win this one! I think I might have to purchase this if I am not the lucky recipient!
    Thanks for the opportunity and I have shared via Facebook, Twitter and my blog!

  69. I LOVE the fork and spoon thing, so cute!

  70. Awesome giveaway! I love cutting paper and would love to try those deer on the cover.

  71. I LOVE this book! It is a work of art by itself...

  72. I would love to win this book! Thanks for the opportunity.

  73. I love cutting elements out, so know I would enjoy this book! Thank you for the chance to win it!
    Jan Castle

  74. Oh I so want to win and try the art work!

  75. I think I would love this book!

  76. this looks awewsome, i'd love a chance to win!
    linda patti

  77. Lovely book. Thanks for the oportunity to win

  78. looks like my cup of tea. I love all paper crafts. thanks for sharing

  79. What an awesome book! I've been wanting this one for awhile now! Thanks for the chance to win!

  80. What an interesting book!!!! Please pick me up!!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  81. Wow!! What a giveaway, especially with Easter just around the corner!! Thanks heaps for this chance to win!!
    I also put this on my facebook. Thanks again!

  82. I've thumbed through this book, and it's full of great ideas including some charming, simple mobiles. I'd love to own this!

  83. Such a wonderful book! Thanks for the great chance!

  84. Using paper to make craft projects is the most desirable thing I would do in my leisure time, origami is my hobby when I was in the younger age. still thrill whenever I see new books of this area, thanks for the chance to win, can't wait to scratch my fingers again.

  85. Oh my goodness who wouldn't love to own this book! I know I sure would, A women can always hope, can't she? Thanks for the try, Louella Turvey

  86. I would love to win this book. I've only recently begun working in paper cutting and this book would provide such inspiration!

  87. couldn't agree more - really modern cover -new ideas - and spiral bound is actually very practical. great post.

  88. thanks for the chance to win Ann {I posted on my bog and facebook too}

  89. I'd love to win this book! Wow!

  90. oh and i tweeted your giveaway also. :-)

  91. As I sign up to see if I can win this beautiful and charming book. 'm Not sure if I can participate, but I sign.

    María Jesús

  92. Awesome book ann, i hope i can add it to my library.

  93. What can I say? I'm a little old lady with cubital tunnel syndrome from making stuff out of paper and I just won't quit! Found your blog after googling: papercutting, paper cutting blogs, scherenschnitte, paper crafts, indie paper art, paper beads, paper toys, upcycling paper, history of paper cutting.... All this after calling Meininger's this morning looking for giant origami paper, and then taking a papercut I did to Hobby Lobby to look for a decent frame (with my 40% off coupon). I would USE this book as much as I crave it!

    Promise to put it on my facebook page, too!

  94. OOOHHH, I would love to win this book! I have always wanted to try Paper Cutting, this book would be perfct! Thanks!

  95. I've loved papercutting for years and am always willing to try some new design or technique. I'd cherish this book!

  96. Your blog constantly has the best creativity and inspiration ever! Thank you so very much.

  97. I would love to win a book! Thanks!

  98. I would love to get some new inspiration for my cards. Keeping my fingers crossed!
    tigerlily55 on SCS

  99. I love your blog and I'd love to win this book!

  100. Looks like a great book.
    I cannot wait to see who the winners are.


  101. They are incredible! Love these books - i didnt even know they existed. Going to have to check them out!

  102. This is awesome. At last I found a paper cutting book!! Since the age of 8, my son Aaron has been cutting papers. He comes up with rare snowflakes. I asked my in -laws in Canada to send him a book, but they did not find one & sent him die cut snowflakes to assemble. He did not enjoy that. I googled for paper snowflakes but it didn't show much. He'll surely be thrilled with this book. Hope he's lucky.

  103. I've posted it on my blog sidebar & am off to post it on facebook.

  104. Thanks for this opportunity.

  105. I have shared about this giveaway on Facebook.
    Aaron loves papercutting. He will be thrilled to get a book.

  106. Because I'm too far, but mostly because this book looks amazing, I just bought it on amazon, thanks for showing this cute cover !

  107. Beautiful book, I'd love to win this!!

    juliaandginger at gmail dot com

  108. This book looks great. Have posted the link on Twitter and my FB page.

  109. fun giveaway ann. those snowflakes are great! and yeah, great cover too. judging it! ;)

  110. I want to win it - but everyone wants, right?


  111. This book looks like so much fun! Thanks for a chance to win.

  112. i love this giveaway and hope to win!

  113. I would love to win this! If I win would you please comment on my blog letting me know :)

  114. I'd love to enter!!! This book seems so much fun! :)

  115. That is so neat! I'd love to win!

  116. I'd like to browse the book and try new things. thanks for the chance

  117. I would love to win iit! I like exploring new things and I really need some creative ideas right now! :)

  118. I love that first photo of the deer! What a cool book!!

  119. neat book - i would definitely need an intro to paper cutting. i've never tried it!


  120. how fun! i want to learn the art of papercutting!

  121. Looks like fun. Would love to win the book so I can try it.

  122. Thanks for the giveaway!

  123. I like paper cutting! :D
    owlie_eye at rocketmail dot com

  124. thank you for the chance!
    junegirl26 at hotmail dot com

  125. I looked over this in the book store!

  126. hope i'm not too late!!!
    would love to have this book ... thank you, Ann!

  127. what a cute book!! i'm becoming more and more obsessed with craft books now, they are so inspiring. love the designs in this book!

    i also tweeted it today! thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

  128. What a great looking book! It would look perfect in my paper arts library! I am tweeting about it this evening as well! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  129. That looks like a super cute book =) would love to win it!

  130. Giveaway comments are now closed. Thanks for entering, everyone!


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