Paper Sculptures by Patty Grazini

A reader recently sent me the link to the website of paper sculpture artist Patty Grazini, saying she thought I would like her work. Do I ever! Prepare to be astonished....

Delia A. Ruggles - Arrested for arson for burning her apartment to collect insurance money. 1888

Patty didn't want to be known as a doll maker, so chose to make animal heads for her sculptural pieces because they bring about curiosity. Her most recent series is based on real people who committed crimes between 1885 and 1910.

Ada Turise - 16 years of age. Arrested for opium smoking. 1884

She researched the stories in The New York Times and has placed the newspaper article next to the corresponding piece at Curtis Steiner in Seattle. There are always unknown elements to the stories, however, and Patty likes for the viewer to create his/her own interpretation of the event.

Lena Scuccimaro - Arrested for baby trafficking. 1905

The all-paper figures are 12-18 inches tall, incredibly detailed, and beg to be studied. Patty enjoys the challenge of creating tiny embellishments and thinks of them as little delights to be found.

August W. Eckhardt - Arrested for the murder of Mary Ann Gaston, with a thrown knife. 1898

She gathers paper ephemera to construct the pieces from her travels, bookshops, and "abandoned corners". The layered elements and muted colors conspire to lend an air of mystery.

Horse - paper, 18" height

Crane - paper, 12" height

Take a few minutes to watch this Art Zone interview with Patty Grazini in her studio. I promise you'll enjoy it. And if there is a Nordstrom near you, be on the lookout in April for a photographed collage made by Patty that will be used as part of store window displays nationwide.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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  1. These is my favorite thing EVER! I LOVE her interpretations in paper of these notorious history makers! Beautiful work. Excellent artist! THANK YOU for posting this!

  2. These are truly incredible! Thank you for introducing me to her work.

  3. These works are marvelous! Such attention to detail.

    Thank you for the video; Grazini's narrative approach to her characters is delightful.

  4. Incredible work of art,I am amazed
    with this.Thank you again for showing them !

  5. I am whoa whoa whoa blown away! This is amazing -

  6. Wow, these are incredible! And to think she made them with only paper?!

  7. Gorgeous work! Thanks for sharing!

  8. They are amazing in a kind of delightful creepy way . . . along with the stories that is. The art work just fascinates me. Thank you so much for sharing your finds.
    Cheers, Doodles

  9. Her sculptures do have a fairy tale like quality. The eyes especially are so captivating. Really amazing that the animal heads should give so much character to the dolls. The intricate details and the materials she chooses for them are all too interesting. I enjoyed this post very very much.

  10. You are soooooo right - I really enjoyed that interview. Amazing work!


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